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Best Sellers

The Classics

Our Best Sellers are recommended for gatherings of approximately 10 – 12 people. These Hawai‘i staples are verified “crowd-pleasers” at any event or potluck.

Bakery and Sweets

Light and Buttery

Sweet, buttery rolls coated with a light dusting of bread crumbs made by Nanging’s Bakery. Other sweets to satisfy your cravings include Guava Pianamo and Lawai Manju.

Dim Sum

Freshly Steamed and Delicious

One of our most popular items, all locally made. Available in original, shrimp, and jalapeño.

Sweets & Desserts

Available on O‘ahu Only

These sweets are a great option for any breakfast gathering. We recommend the Nanding’s Spanish Rolls, which comes with 30pcs.