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Dim Sum

Freshly Steamed and Delicious

One of our most popular items, all locally made. Available in original, shrimp, and jalapeño.

Chips and Crackers

Snack Time

Take a spicy sea adventure with every crunchy bite of Nongshim’s Spicy Shrimp Crackers! Other munchies and crunchies include Takis Fuego and Exclusive Korea Honey Butter Popcorn.

PĀ‘ina Platters

We Go Pateh!

Game day? Soccer game? We have you covered with these share-size portions of our classic offerings! Be sure to heat in the microwave at any of our locations before serving.

Snacks and Candy

Exclusive Local Snacks

Sweet and slightly tart – lemon is sliced, dried, and coated in sugar for a tasty twist on a fruit typically used as garnish. Try these or any of our many exlusive local snacks and candies.